Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This is a good day to be thankful. I have alot, big and small to be thankful for today....

I am thankful that accident prone me made it throught the week without any injuries. My toe is still sore but all and all not throbbing. There still seems to be some swelling and I am sure if I would just stay off my feet for a mere second that it would go down.

I am thankful for our dear friends Dale and Karma, they are back from Florida. It's nice to have someone to talk to during the day besides Sassy ( don't take this personally Sass, you are only a dog not a people) Dale and Karma are here everyday while some of our neighbors are only here on weekends.

I am thankful God hears my prayers and all his blessings he has given me. That God grants me the knowledge to handle what life gives me which is never more than we can handle, and keep me calm when that storm of life hits.

I have had some problems with some certain family members for the past year. I am so thankful for these people, with their acts of unkindness that no longer hurt me, and the pain that was there is now dissipating. I am trying so very hard not to hold on to the pain, the anger. It is theirs if they choose to keep it.

Ahhhh the weather, Some people complain but not me. It has been dreadfully hot and humid here this past week. Unless you are playing in the water, it has been too hot to do anything outside for any length of time. So for this I am thankful for air conditioning!

and a big thankyou for stopping by! Hope you have a blessed and thankful day!

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