Friday, April 17, 2009

Loving My Husband Friday

John is amazing! He is my best friend. I love my husband very dearly. We have fun together, and I truly enjoy spending time with him. I know he feels the same. I feel so blessed to be married to someone who loves me as much as he does. If anyone can make you feel special he can. Although, my husband doesn't accept Christ in his heart (yet) I don't ever stop praying or believing that John will one day share my faith, but in the meantime, I pray that God will love him through me, thus enabling me to be the very best wife I can be. I honor him as my husband. I feel so blessed and I trust God to fill those places that John cannot. I believe that is what we should do whether our husbands share our faith or not. No man, or other human being for that matter, can be everything we need them to be. Only God can do that. We need only to ask. Share why you love your spouse and don't forget to head over to for more loving my husband Friday. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I pray he will one day come to know our God! Keep letting Christ shine through you, it's all God's timing!
