Monday, April 27, 2009


This is going to be a very crazy week and a very busy one. I have tried to make our meals as simple as possible. I am not going to have alot of time and probably pretty tired by the end of the day especially, the days of the sale. Some of the help I was going to have with the sale will not be able to help now. My sister Deb is starting a new job today and my son even got a job. Yup, starting today. Praise God! They both need a job and I am excited for them! Here is my attentive menu for this week........
MONDAY- beef and noodles, fresh asparagus ( from our own asparagus bed) YUMMY!
TUESDAY- sloppy joes, raw veggies and dip, fruit
WEDNESDAY- hot dogs, chips, baked beans
THURSDAY-Pizza ( takeout)?
FRIDAY- Pork steak on the grill, broccoli and cheese, potatoes ( do not know how they will be fixed yet)
SATURDAY- going out?
SUNDAY- on our own!

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