Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall cleaning

Spring isn't the only time for fall cleaning and sprucing up your home. Yesterday, I was in a fall..ish mood. I put out all of my fall decorations inside the house. I haven't started on the outside yet. The calendar says it's fall, but, the past week here in Indiana summer has been trying to hold on. The weather forecasters say it's going to cool down now. Yay!Anyways the beginning of fall signals season chores that need to be done to get our home ready for fall and winter. This is my checklist to do in the next few weeks.

1. A through window cleaning Ugh! I can't believe all the huge amount of dirt and grime. This will be a good time to check the weather stripping and seals around the windows to make sure no repairs needed.

2. Wipe down the outside of our exterior doors to remove moths worth of dirt.

3. Seasonal closet overhaul! The closet areas are overflowing with junk! Go through all the closets and pantry to remove clutter ad organize. Make sure seasonal clothing is stored properly.

4.This is important! Inspect furnace. Replace filter, clean vents.

5. Clean mini blinds, curtains, upholstery, carpeting and floors.

Spring cleaning seems to get most of the attention but, I think fall cleaning is really more important least in cold climates. It readies your home for a new season.

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