Sunday, February 13, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 2/14

Good Morning and Happy Valentines Day! I am a bit under the weather with a scratchy throat and the general yuk feeling. This is not how I want to start the week off but, there is not much I can do about it. I have taken some meds but, I don't seem to feel any better so I guess it will just have to take it's course.... sigh...! I realized all I have left in meat for this week is hamburger, venison burger and bluegill. I don't feel like spending the money for other meat this guessing this will do. What is nice about hamburger, it is very versatile. There is so much you can do with it. Be sure to visit organizing junkie and while you are there you might want to hook up with her with your own menu plan.


out? I am on strike today!!



baked potato (for DH) baked sweet potato (for me)

steamed peas


meatloaf sandwiches

potato/broccoli soup


Spanish rice

bean and cheese burritos


scrambled eggs

blueberry pancakes


sloppy joes

baked fries


defend for ourselves!


1 comment:

  1. It's always nice to have a night out. As for our date at a restaurant, I got sick later that night. I had unknowingly got hold of gluten. Once it was out of my system, I was fine again. Eating out while having diet restrictions is hard.
